Saturday, January 24, 2009


Note- There is No such thing as the Perfect Pick-up. This is simply a hybrid of different approaches that I have seen all thrown together in one unified approach. A combination of Mystery, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, and others.

The Perfect Pick-up
Step by Step

1- Opener

2- DHV obstacles

3- Neg target

4- DHV obstacles

5- Neg Target

6- So, how does everyone know each other?

7- I’ve been sort of ignoring your friend, is it alright if I speak with her for a couple minutes?

8- C’mon I wanna show you something cool (hand squeeze through crowd)

9- Ross Jeffries Opener

10- Spin Move

11- Beauty is common etc.

12- Name 3 things that make you unique and it can’t be about looks.

13- Proceed using Cocky Comedy

14- kiss close after getting 3 IOI's

You must master this sequence
Know your opener and DHV's by heart
Memorize the sequence
The above is your cheat sheet
Below is the detailed guideline
Don’t be thrown off it doesn’t go perfect, just master this approach

Step 1- Opener
“Hey guys, my buddies and I were having a debate and I need a quick female opinion about something then I gotta get right back to them…one of my buddies wants to get a tattoo but his girlfriend of 2 years doesn’t want him to do it. What should he do?” ....

Step 2- DHV
(after you run with the topic for a little, cut them off and point to any two and say, “hey are you guys best friends” (see if anyone in the group is best friends) then say, “I could totally tell, I love Psychology, are you guys into psychology? Oh well then you know all about the best friend ok well ill prove to you your best friends with one question…are you guys you two use the same shampoo? (cut them off before they answer) it doesn’t matter you passed, you looked at each other before you answered me, best friends communicate non verbally almost telepathically with one another before answering questions, if you weren’t best friends you would have looked straight at me the whole time, see you did it again, best friends look at each other all the time.

Step 3- Neg the Target (if you have not done it during the opener of DHV)

Step 4- DHV again
(body rock as if to leave, then turn and say) “hey, are any of you guys wearing a ring by chance? Hmm, that’s interesting..there's actually a personality theory based on what finger you wear your ring on…the ancient greeks believed each finger represented a different god which corresponds with certain personality traits...kinda like a horoscope..if you wear a ring on your thumb that honors the god Poseidon, he lived in the water the only god not on Mount Olympus- so these people are very independent, free thinkers, they go there own way; the pointer finger is Zeus the king of the gods-remember when you were younger and your mom would point and say don’t do that, so these people are very directive, goal oriented, they’re leaders; the middle finger obviously the bird represents Dionysus the fertility goddess, these people can be a little wild, maybe partiers, very individualistic; the ring finger is obviously Aphrodite the goddess of love, its actually the only finger that has a vein that connects directly to the heart (kino) that’s why people wear their wedding bands on that finger; you see a lot of mob guys wearing their rings on their pinkies, this obviously symbolizes Ares the god of war, these people are very competitive and sometimes confrontational; oh and if you don’t wear a ring that represents Hermes the messenger god, these people are more helpful than anyone else. So how accurate is that on a scale of 1-10.

Step 5- Neg the target (if you haven’t done this already during the routine)

Step 6- So, how does everyone know each other?

Step 7- I’ve been sort of ignoring your friend, is it alright if I speak with her for a couple minutes.

Step 8- C’mon I wanna show you something cool (hand squeeze as you lead her through the crowd)
Step 9- (Standing) Where did you get that (any article of clothing or jewelry)…(pause)…i like it…(pause)…and of course the person wearing it is just a shining example of perfection…(pause)… I'm glad you laughed because I do think you are absolutely breathtaking AND…(pause)…I wanted to make sure there was more to you than that before getting to know you…(introduce yourself if you haven’t already OR say “fair?”) put out your hand immediately after asking this question

Step 10- execute the Spin Move into the dance
as you shake hands lift your hand for her to spin and say “good girl” or “lovely” and then switch hands with the hand your holding and hold her hand and say “this is what we call the kino escalation, have you heard of it? Its wild. Check this out put your hand on my (lower) back, and put your chin on my shoulder, but you have to keep your hand on my back (if she gives you a suspicious look just smile and reassure her by saying “its ok I wont bite you” then when she complies start dancing and say “and now were dancing (push her away and say) “I cant believe you fell for that, I used to do that to girls when I was in middle school, you’re too easy” (laugh then pull her to sit down if possible) (start at 1:10)

Step 11- “But seriously, you’re a beautiful girl BUT beauty is very common, I’ve dated models before but no one wants to be stuck with this hot girl who turns out to be boring or a witch. Whats really uncommon is energy, outlook, personality, you got two out of three that’s a good start (smile) [if she asks you what shes missing (laugh) then say “my mom always told me to be polite to strangers, I don’t know you from a hole in the wall, here's a hole in the wall (hold one hand up) here's you (slap the other hand against the first and say) “same thing, but I am curious, well leave it at that, that’s all you get.” (from 4:01 – 4:55)

Step 12- “But if you had to pick 3 qualities about yourself that set you apart from everyone else, what would they be, and it cant be about your looks” (have your three qualities ready for when she asks you, but make sure she answers first by saying “I asked you first, you can ask me a question after this and I’ll answer first then.”

Step 13- Proceed with Cocky Comedy (all examples of the theme)

Step 14- Kiss Close when appropriate
(out of nowhere say) “do you wanna kiss me?” if she says yes- kiss her; if she says maybe/I don’t know/or says nothing- “well lets find out” and kiss her; is she says no- say “I didn’t say you could, it just seemed like there was something on your mind.”

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