Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Approach - Meeting a Woman


•Pick-up lines are what we call direct openers. Oh and by the way- THEY DON’T WORK! They are way too forward. Gives them a chance to turn you down.

•Especially with a good looking woman who is used to being hit on All The Time.

•The best way to approach is by using an INDIRECT opener.

•We want to come in under the radar.

•Opener - Statement or story used to get the attention of a target or group.

•Not a time to formally introduce yourself.

•The power of the opener is in what it doesn’t do. You DON’T come on to her. You DON’T alienate the friends.


*Never approach straight on.

•Come in on an angle.

•Begin your opener while speaking over your shoulder.

•Open yourself to her as she gets more comfortable with you.

•Never approach from behind them. It takes them too much by surprise.

•Stay still when your speaking. Don’t fidget.

•Don’t lean into the set. (Pecking) Lean Back

•Speak loud, clear, slow, and CONFIDENT. Don’t be afraid to be emotionally expressive (let your personality show).


•3 Second Rule- approach the target within 3 seconds of seeing her.

•Decide to do this in advance.

•Less time with anticipatory anxiety.

•Doesn’t make you look like a creeper.


•Women of particular beauty are rarely found alone, anywhere.

•To be successful you must learn to approach women in groups not just by themselves.

•Come in at or slightly above the energy level of the group.

•Never split a 2-set. Stand on the side away from your target.


•Walk at a slightly faster pace than the girl or group.

•Approach over your shoulder and after your first few words look straight ahead.

•Slow your pace as you deliver the opener and let them match your speed.


•Deliver Opener

•(While talking) grab a chair and sit down.

•Stand as if to leave at some point while they speak.

•Respond to them and sit back down again (while talking).


•Opinion Opener- ask her opinion about something, especially relationships.

•Not sexual or anything she can judge as a come on.

•Look as though you would ask this to anyone who happened to be standing where she was.

•Tip- look at everyone in the group ALOT more than your target, win her over obliquely


•“Who lies more men or women?”

•“If a girl makes out with another girl is that considered cheating?”

•“Do you brush before or after you floss?”

•“Do men really understand women?”

•“Would you date a guy who wore Uggz/long hair/beard?”

* Better yet- Make up your own (be original, have one no ones ever heard before)


•Commenting on the weather or something external to the two of you.

•Only use if immediately followed by an opinion opener otherwise where does it go? (what a nice day it is…umm….).

•You telegraph too much interest. Better to say, “what a nice day it is today…my friends and I were having a discussion, it looks like u might be able to help you think…)


•You must have a reason for asking your question.

•Come up with this in advance.


•One of the first things a girl thinks when approached is- when will he leave OR how long will he be here?

•We need to disarm them of this question.

•Let them know you need to get back to your buddies soon.

•“Hey, I need a quick female opinion about something my buddies and I were talking/having a debate about. Real quick…”


•NEVER ask them if you can ask them a question.

•Don’t give them the opportunity to shut you down.

•These are proven openers! Be confident. Success has and will be achieved when you use them.



•“Life is not a spectator sport, you gotta get out there and participate.”

•Commit to approaching at least 5 sets this week, and at least 1 tomorrow.

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