Saturday, January 24, 2009


(taken from David DeAngelo from cocky comedy)

*Our Purpose for interacting with women is to create attraction.

•Most men go into a conversation with a woman with no game plan/purpose.

•We’re going to use conversation as a tool to build attraction.


•Most men think if you want to build attraction just be nice to them.

•This doesn’t work because then the girl you want would be taken by the 99 other lovable losers who approached her before you JUST BEING NICE.

•The pick-up artist (you) must be the exception to the rule.

•Women are bombarded with men trying to be nice to her throughout this day, and every other day of her life.

•You must stand out from the group.

•We stand out by not trying to build rapport, but rather by intentionally and carefully breaking rapport.


•We want what we can’t have.

•We place a greater value on that which we work for. Ie. Diamonds vs. Water.
-Water is vital to our life, but it's cheap.
-Diamonds are not necessary to our life, but they're very expensive. BECAUSE OF THEIR SCARCITY.

•Women naturally enact these laws all the time when they play “hard to get.”

•We need a plan to counteract this.


•Step 1: Open set.

•Step 2: Demonstrate Higher Value.

•Step 3: Neg the target.

NEG THEORY (Mystery & Style)

•Neg- A backhanded compliment used to briefly disqualify yourself from being considered a potential suitor.


•Active disinterest.

•Done in a casual, no big deal to me way.


•You must be careful when using negs and cocky comedy.

•The prettier she is the better she will typically respond.

•But, the lower self-esteem she has, the worse she’ll respond.

•You must factor in these two characteristics (attractiveness and self-esteem)

EXAMPLES (Mystery & Style)

•"Is that your real hair color? It's still nice."

•"Its so cute how your nose wiggles when you laugh."

•"How do you feel today? Tired?."

•"I love those big earrings. What is it 80’s night?"

•"I like that dress/skirt/Uggz. Those are really popular these days."

•"I think your hair would look better up/down."

•Fluff example.


•A neg is done in a “throw-and-go” manner. You don’t wait for her response. But you say it with a smile and in a friendly way.

•By doing this you make them self-conscious.

•In effect, you lower her social value.

•This is a principle that you must see to believe. It is counter-intuitive.

•But if you wonder why most beautiful women usually consider you nothing more than “a good friend,” it’s because you haven’t been doing this to her.


•You won over her friends.

•You demonstrated higher value.

•And you proved to her that you are not interested in her.

COCKY COMEDY (David DeAngelo)

•After you meet and attract a women you must know how to interact with her.

•You want to be playful.

•A combination called cocky comedy.

•It’s a winning combination. Two things women want are a confident guy and a funny guy.

•You must be a good balance of Cocky and Funny.

•Too much Cocky and she’ll perceive you as an arrogant, insecure jerk.

•Too much Comedy and you’ll be perceived as the clown. Funny doesn’t get you the girl. Funny is ha ha.

•PLAYFUL wins!

ACTION-REACTION (Mystery & David DeAngelo)

Her- (touches an article of your) clothing
You- “Whoa, don’t do that don’t just touch this isn’t for free. 10 bucks!

You- I don’t think it would work between us.
Her- Why not?
You-You’re too much of a nice girl for me.

Her- I’m a model
You- What like a hand model.

Her: (does something good)
You: 5 points! At 10 you get to buy me a drink.

Her: (calls you a flirt)
You: Hey just because I flirt a lot doesn’t mean I put out, despite what alot of these people here might tell you.

Her: (she laughs at a few of your jokes)
You: You are awesome! Ill tell you what..quit your job, ill double your salary and you just follow me around and laugh at all my jokes just like that.

Her: Have a good day.
You: Don’t tell me what to do, I just met you and your already ordering me around.

Her: Nice meeting you.
You: Whoa, getting all formal on me, your creeping me out.

Her: (does something she needs to apologize for)
You: Ok you owe me now..point to high cheek and when she goes to kiss you, you pull away and go…uhh I meant an apology.


•Don’t make this the only thing you do.

•There should be some normal conversation.

•But you need to make it a point to throw negs and use a good amount of cocky comedy in the beginning.


*save her from you
*give yourself a monetary value.
*put her in the friend zone
*go over the top and exaggerate her greatness.
*reverse roles (accuse, accuse, accuse)
*employ her

*be the authority figure (she’s getting detention, or she is in big trouble)
*make her compete
*challenge her
*send mixed signals


•Commit to using these techniques in your next interaction with a woman and watch what happens.

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