Saturday, January 24, 2009


Note- There is No such thing as the Perfect Pick-up. This is simply a hybrid of different approaches that I have seen all thrown together in one unified approach. A combination of Mystery, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, and others.

The Perfect Pick-up
Step by Step

1- Opener

2- DHV obstacles

3- Neg target

4- DHV obstacles

5- Neg Target

6- So, how does everyone know each other?

7- I’ve been sort of ignoring your friend, is it alright if I speak with her for a couple minutes?

8- C’mon I wanna show you something cool (hand squeeze through crowd)

9- Ross Jeffries Opener

10- Spin Move

11- Beauty is common etc.

12- Name 3 things that make you unique and it can’t be about looks.

13- Proceed using Cocky Comedy

14- kiss close after getting 3 IOI's

You must master this sequence
Know your opener and DHV's by heart
Memorize the sequence
The above is your cheat sheet
Below is the detailed guideline
Don’t be thrown off it doesn’t go perfect, just master this approach

Step 1- Opener
“Hey guys, my buddies and I were having a debate and I need a quick female opinion about something then I gotta get right back to them…one of my buddies wants to get a tattoo but his girlfriend of 2 years doesn’t want him to do it. What should he do?” ....

Step 2- DHV
(after you run with the topic for a little, cut them off and point to any two and say, “hey are you guys best friends” (see if anyone in the group is best friends) then say, “I could totally tell, I love Psychology, are you guys into psychology? Oh well then you know all about the best friend ok well ill prove to you your best friends with one question…are you guys you two use the same shampoo? (cut them off before they answer) it doesn’t matter you passed, you looked at each other before you answered me, best friends communicate non verbally almost telepathically with one another before answering questions, if you weren’t best friends you would have looked straight at me the whole time, see you did it again, best friends look at each other all the time.

Step 3- Neg the Target (if you have not done it during the opener of DHV)

Step 4- DHV again
(body rock as if to leave, then turn and say) “hey, are any of you guys wearing a ring by chance? Hmm, that’s interesting..there's actually a personality theory based on what finger you wear your ring on…the ancient greeks believed each finger represented a different god which corresponds with certain personality traits...kinda like a horoscope..if you wear a ring on your thumb that honors the god Poseidon, he lived in the water the only god not on Mount Olympus- so these people are very independent, free thinkers, they go there own way; the pointer finger is Zeus the king of the gods-remember when you were younger and your mom would point and say don’t do that, so these people are very directive, goal oriented, they’re leaders; the middle finger obviously the bird represents Dionysus the fertility goddess, these people can be a little wild, maybe partiers, very individualistic; the ring finger is obviously Aphrodite the goddess of love, its actually the only finger that has a vein that connects directly to the heart (kino) that’s why people wear their wedding bands on that finger; you see a lot of mob guys wearing their rings on their pinkies, this obviously symbolizes Ares the god of war, these people are very competitive and sometimes confrontational; oh and if you don’t wear a ring that represents Hermes the messenger god, these people are more helpful than anyone else. So how accurate is that on a scale of 1-10.

Step 5- Neg the target (if you haven’t done this already during the routine)

Step 6- So, how does everyone know each other?

Step 7- I’ve been sort of ignoring your friend, is it alright if I speak with her for a couple minutes.

Step 8- C’mon I wanna show you something cool (hand squeeze as you lead her through the crowd)
Step 9- (Standing) Where did you get that (any article of clothing or jewelry)…(pause)…i like it…(pause)…and of course the person wearing it is just a shining example of perfection…(pause)… I'm glad you laughed because I do think you are absolutely breathtaking AND…(pause)…I wanted to make sure there was more to you than that before getting to know you…(introduce yourself if you haven’t already OR say “fair?”) put out your hand immediately after asking this question

Step 10- execute the Spin Move into the dance
as you shake hands lift your hand for her to spin and say “good girl” or “lovely” and then switch hands with the hand your holding and hold her hand and say “this is what we call the kino escalation, have you heard of it? Its wild. Check this out put your hand on my (lower) back, and put your chin on my shoulder, but you have to keep your hand on my back (if she gives you a suspicious look just smile and reassure her by saying “its ok I wont bite you” then when she complies start dancing and say “and now were dancing (push her away and say) “I cant believe you fell for that, I used to do that to girls when I was in middle school, you’re too easy” (laugh then pull her to sit down if possible) (start at 1:10)

Step 11- “But seriously, you’re a beautiful girl BUT beauty is very common, I’ve dated models before but no one wants to be stuck with this hot girl who turns out to be boring or a witch. Whats really uncommon is energy, outlook, personality, you got two out of three that’s a good start (smile) [if she asks you what shes missing (laugh) then say “my mom always told me to be polite to strangers, I don’t know you from a hole in the wall, here's a hole in the wall (hold one hand up) here's you (slap the other hand against the first and say) “same thing, but I am curious, well leave it at that, that’s all you get.” (from 4:01 – 4:55)

Step 12- “But if you had to pick 3 qualities about yourself that set you apart from everyone else, what would they be, and it cant be about your looks” (have your three qualities ready for when she asks you, but make sure she answers first by saying “I asked you first, you can ask me a question after this and I’ll answer first then.”

Step 13- Proceed with Cocky Comedy (all examples of the theme)

Step 14- Kiss Close when appropriate
(out of nowhere say) “do you wanna kiss me?” if she says yes- kiss her; if she says maybe/I don’t know/or says nothing- “well lets find out” and kiss her; is she says no- say “I didn’t say you could, it just seemed like there was something on your mind.”


6 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ALPHA MALE (taken from Mystery in the Game by Neil Strauss)

•3-Well Groomed
•4-Sense of Humor
•5-Connecting with people
•6-Being seen as the social center of a room

DONT'S (David DeAngelo)

•A lot of success with women is about not just scoring points, but not losing points.

•In fact, we do A LOT of things, simply to disarm her of dismissing us. By her not dismissing us, we give her more time to get to know us.

•Note- we want to focus on what to do rather than what we don’t want to do.

•Nonetheless, here are a few don’ts.

•Never whine about, complain about, or even mention: Being single, lonely, unlovable, or a loser.

•having bad luck or no luck

•Asking: how long its been since your last date or am I your type or what kind of guys you usually go for.

•Saying you don’t deserve a girl as good as her

•What she thinks/how she is feeling about you.

•"If we met at a bar would you be attracted to me?"


•A cat will go crazy trying to grab a string dangling just out of its reach.

•A cat will then ignore the string once it is dropped on the ground.

•WHY? Once the chase is gone, its no longer interested.



•Never give a woman a direct answer unless its no.

•If she complains just say, “I’m glad you like it.” OR “well you’re not gonna like me because I do that all the time.”

•Always send mixed signals ie. tell her you wanna be friends then give her a kiss OR if she does something good spank her.

•Respond differently to the same thing.

*Never be predictable.

•Never give her exactly what she wants (everything is done on your terms).


(taken from David DeAngelo from cocky comedy)

*Our Purpose for interacting with women is to create attraction.

•Most men go into a conversation with a woman with no game plan/purpose.

•We’re going to use conversation as a tool to build attraction.


•Most men think if you want to build attraction just be nice to them.

•This doesn’t work because then the girl you want would be taken by the 99 other lovable losers who approached her before you JUST BEING NICE.

•The pick-up artist (you) must be the exception to the rule.

•Women are bombarded with men trying to be nice to her throughout this day, and every other day of her life.

•You must stand out from the group.

•We stand out by not trying to build rapport, but rather by intentionally and carefully breaking rapport.


•We want what we can’t have.

•We place a greater value on that which we work for. Ie. Diamonds vs. Water.
-Water is vital to our life, but it's cheap.
-Diamonds are not necessary to our life, but they're very expensive. BECAUSE OF THEIR SCARCITY.

•Women naturally enact these laws all the time when they play “hard to get.”

•We need a plan to counteract this.


•Step 1: Open set.

•Step 2: Demonstrate Higher Value.

•Step 3: Neg the target.

NEG THEORY (Mystery & Style)

•Neg- A backhanded compliment used to briefly disqualify yourself from being considered a potential suitor.


•Active disinterest.

•Done in a casual, no big deal to me way.


•You must be careful when using negs and cocky comedy.

•The prettier she is the better she will typically respond.

•But, the lower self-esteem she has, the worse she’ll respond.

•You must factor in these two characteristics (attractiveness and self-esteem)

EXAMPLES (Mystery & Style)

•"Is that your real hair color? It's still nice."

•"Its so cute how your nose wiggles when you laugh."

•"How do you feel today? Tired?."

•"I love those big earrings. What is it 80’s night?"

•"I like that dress/skirt/Uggz. Those are really popular these days."

•"I think your hair would look better up/down."

•Fluff example.


•A neg is done in a “throw-and-go” manner. You don’t wait for her response. But you say it with a smile and in a friendly way.

•By doing this you make them self-conscious.

•In effect, you lower her social value.

•This is a principle that you must see to believe. It is counter-intuitive.

•But if you wonder why most beautiful women usually consider you nothing more than “a good friend,” it’s because you haven’t been doing this to her.


•You won over her friends.

•You demonstrated higher value.

•And you proved to her that you are not interested in her.

COCKY COMEDY (David DeAngelo)

•After you meet and attract a women you must know how to interact with her.

•You want to be playful.

•A combination called cocky comedy.

•It’s a winning combination. Two things women want are a confident guy and a funny guy.

•You must be a good balance of Cocky and Funny.

•Too much Cocky and she’ll perceive you as an arrogant, insecure jerk.

•Too much Comedy and you’ll be perceived as the clown. Funny doesn’t get you the girl. Funny is ha ha.

•PLAYFUL wins!

ACTION-REACTION (Mystery & David DeAngelo)

Her- (touches an article of your) clothing
You- “Whoa, don’t do that don’t just touch this isn’t for free. 10 bucks!

You- I don’t think it would work between us.
Her- Why not?
You-You’re too much of a nice girl for me.

Her- I’m a model
You- What like a hand model.

Her: (does something good)
You: 5 points! At 10 you get to buy me a drink.

Her: (calls you a flirt)
You: Hey just because I flirt a lot doesn’t mean I put out, despite what alot of these people here might tell you.

Her: (she laughs at a few of your jokes)
You: You are awesome! Ill tell you what..quit your job, ill double your salary and you just follow me around and laugh at all my jokes just like that.

Her: Have a good day.
You: Don’t tell me what to do, I just met you and your already ordering me around.

Her: Nice meeting you.
You: Whoa, getting all formal on me, your creeping me out.

Her: (does something she needs to apologize for)
You: Ok you owe me now..point to high cheek and when she goes to kiss you, you pull away and go…uhh I meant an apology.


•Don’t make this the only thing you do.

•There should be some normal conversation.

•But you need to make it a point to throw negs and use a good amount of cocky comedy in the beginning.


*save her from you
*give yourself a monetary value.
*put her in the friend zone
*go over the top and exaggerate her greatness.
*reverse roles (accuse, accuse, accuse)
*employ her

*be the authority figure (she’s getting detention, or she is in big trouble)
*make her compete
*challenge her
*send mixed signals


•Commit to using these techniques in your next interaction with a woman and watch what happens.

Demonstrating Higher Value

-David DeAngelo

*We don’t decide who we are attracted to and who we fall in love with.

Premise- There are certain things that trigger our attraction switch.


•Demonstrations of Higher Value (DHVs)

•Turns women on

•Demonstrations of Lower Value (DLVs)

•Turns women off


•1 - Leader of men.

•2 - Pre-selected by other women.

•3 - Protector of loved ones.

•4 - Willingness to emote (express appropriate emotions)

•Women will feel attracted to a man who has all 4 qualities.

•We need to flip these biological switches in women’s minds.

•We’ll fake it until we make it if need be.

•We try to do this naturally when we brag and show-off.

•Bragging is a DLV, because its try-hard. The woman knows that we are trying to impress her.

•We either demonstrate with people, objects, or props OR with language through stories.

•Goal- Impress her without letting her know we are trying to.


•Women respond mainly to social status. Does NOT necessarily need to be looks.

•Women are attracted to the leader of a tribe.

•Being involved in a tribe helps too. It shows you’re a part of something- a team, group, or organization which all points to social status.

•We want to be the leader.

•Women will respond to the man with the highest status. Ie. rockstars, politicians, athletes. Even the ugly ones.

•Even if we are not the leader, we can still act like we are.


•Again, social proof.

•If you walk around with an attractive woman, others will perceive you as more attractive. (Law of Contrast & Association)

•We may use a “Pivot”- a woman wingman.

•If we don’t have access to a pivot we can language it.

•During the interaction, we casually mention a model we dated in the past or even a woman “your seeing.”

•Principle- we want things that other people want. Ie. Pokemon


•Women will gladly admit to this one.

•They want a man that makes them feel safe.

•This is why women are typically attracted to men with muscular builds and athletes.

•We demonstrate this several ways.

•We side with our friends during the first interaction. Never disagree with your wingman.

•We language it in stories.

•We demonstrate concern over their safety while we’re together.


•Emote- to show (warranted) emotions.

•We want to show appropriate emotions during our interactions with women.

*So they know you're not faking your smile and are completely unaffected by the world. You can get mad, excited, surprised, etc.

•We do this so they see that our emotional circuitry is normal.



•Story telling

•Interesting Info

*Sharing common interests.

*Knowing stuff about things she"s interested.

•Personality & Humor

•Best Friend Test

•C & U shaped Smiles

•Rings Routine


•Experts say at least 80% of our communication is non-verbal.

•All our material we use is basically an excuse to demonstrate higher value body language.

*Body language is more important than the material.

•The ultimate body language that women respond to is that of the Alpha Male.


•Smile when you enter the room

•Open body language

•Maximize space

•Strong (but not freaky) eye contact

•Scans room and makes eye contact with beautiful women (she looks for 1.5 seconds, she’s into you)

•Hands on hips if you need some place to put them (go getter, confident body language).

•Thumbs outside of pockets if you must put your hands there.

•Drink down by your side, not talking into it

•Walk slow through the door look into back of the room and acknowledge the imaginary person

•Walk first to the middle of the room, then to where you want to go.

•Move slowly and decisively

•Move less than other people once in a set

•Walk with head up looking slightly above the horizon.

•Speak loud and clear so everyone in the group can hear you

•Lean back, don’t peck and lean into a set.

•If they cant hear you just speak louder, still don’t lean in (Pecking).

•Directing the crowd around him

•Introduces people to one another

•Applying kino-touching people (in a comfortable way)

•Laughing and having a good time

•Takes the best seat in the house (the middle seat OR the one that has the whole room in view).

•Wear at least one article of clothing someone attracted to you can inquire about (peacock theory-generic isn’t always the best)

•Don’t ask permission-just come out and say it

•Don’t apologize more than once if you need to (superbad).

*Social Skills

*Knowing the Norms

*Good Manners and Etiquette

•Well groomed

•Super Neat and Clean

•Napkin on lap when at dinner

•Don’t eat until everyone’s served

•Get Doors

•Pull out chairs

•Walk on sidewalk closest to road.

The Approach - Meeting a Woman


•Pick-up lines are what we call direct openers. Oh and by the way- THEY DON’T WORK! They are way too forward. Gives them a chance to turn you down.

•Especially with a good looking woman who is used to being hit on All The Time.

•The best way to approach is by using an INDIRECT opener.

•We want to come in under the radar.

•Opener - Statement or story used to get the attention of a target or group.

•Not a time to formally introduce yourself.

•The power of the opener is in what it doesn’t do. You DON’T come on to her. You DON’T alienate the friends.


*Never approach straight on.

•Come in on an angle.

•Begin your opener while speaking over your shoulder.

•Open yourself to her as she gets more comfortable with you.

•Never approach from behind them. It takes them too much by surprise.

•Stay still when your speaking. Don’t fidget.

•Don’t lean into the set. (Pecking) Lean Back

•Speak loud, clear, slow, and CONFIDENT. Don’t be afraid to be emotionally expressive (let your personality show).


•3 Second Rule- approach the target within 3 seconds of seeing her.

•Decide to do this in advance.

•Less time with anticipatory anxiety.

•Doesn’t make you look like a creeper.


•Women of particular beauty are rarely found alone, anywhere.

•To be successful you must learn to approach women in groups not just by themselves.

•Come in at or slightly above the energy level of the group.

•Never split a 2-set. Stand on the side away from your target.


•Walk at a slightly faster pace than the girl or group.

•Approach over your shoulder and after your first few words look straight ahead.

•Slow your pace as you deliver the opener and let them match your speed.


•Deliver Opener

•(While talking) grab a chair and sit down.

•Stand as if to leave at some point while they speak.

•Respond to them and sit back down again (while talking).


•Opinion Opener- ask her opinion about something, especially relationships.

•Not sexual or anything she can judge as a come on.

•Look as though you would ask this to anyone who happened to be standing where she was.

•Tip- look at everyone in the group ALOT more than your target, win her over obliquely


•“Who lies more men or women?”

•“If a girl makes out with another girl is that considered cheating?”

•“Do you brush before or after you floss?”

•“Do men really understand women?”

•“Would you date a guy who wore Uggz/long hair/beard?”

* Better yet- Make up your own (be original, have one no ones ever heard before)


•Commenting on the weather or something external to the two of you.

•Only use if immediately followed by an opinion opener otherwise where does it go? (what a nice day it is…umm….).

•You telegraph too much interest. Better to say, “what a nice day it is today…my friends and I were having a discussion, it looks like u might be able to help you think…)


•You must have a reason for asking your question.

•Come up with this in advance.


•One of the first things a girl thinks when approached is- when will he leave OR how long will he be here?

•We need to disarm them of this question.

•Let them know you need to get back to your buddies soon.

•“Hey, I need a quick female opinion about something my buddies and I were talking/having a debate about. Real quick…”


•NEVER ask them if you can ask them a question.

•Don’t give them the opportunity to shut you down.

•These are proven openers! Be confident. Success has and will be achieved when you use them.



•“Life is not a spectator sport, you gotta get out there and participate.”

•Commit to approaching at least 5 sets this week, and at least 1 tomorrow.

The Art of Attraction

For the past few years I have been a student of the science of social dynamics. Perhaps the greatest mystery of them all (at least for a man) is the mind of a woman. It seems that some man have cracked the code. The truth is: there is no one way of doing anything. But there are certain things that have a higher percentage of effectiveness. I got into this field by first reading the book "The Game" by New York Times Best Selling author Neil Strauss. Since then I have studied this field in depth. I have learned from the best pick-up artists and seducers in the world. I read the Mystery Method by the Master himself, as well as Double Your Dating by pick-up guru David DeAngelo. I have also learned alot from pick-up legend Ross Jeffries and his book "Speed Seduction." I have looked at several websites as well as listened to many audiotapes about meeting women.

In my blog I have synthesized and condensed the information I have learned from these greats. This should be a very easy format to follow.

A very special thanks to the pick-up masters that I have learned from. I would recommmend reading, listening, and studying from them as much as possible (as I have). Listen to their tapes and read their books. Watch their Youtube clips also. You can learn something new everytime you watch, listen to, or read about them.

Books to Read:

The Game - Neil Strauss
Rules of the Game - Neil Strauss
Mystery Method - Mystery
Double Your Dating - David DeAngelo
Speed Seduction - Ross Jeffries